Popular lectures at Ilija Kolarac Endowment

The PFAStwin team from the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade and the Section for Environmental Chemistry of the Serbian Chemical Society invited broad public to attend a series of lectures on ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION - FROM CONSCIOUS TO UNCONSCIOUS. Lectures will be organized in cooperation with the Kolarac Endowment and will be held every Thursday from the end of February to late March in the small hall of Kolarac starting at 6 p.m.

The series covers extremely interesting and attractive topics related to the state of the environment in Serbia, importance of addressing challenges such as PFAS, microplastics and emergning pollutants.

PFAStwin team invite all colleagues who think environmental care is important to join us in the lectures, and encourage our early stage researchers to accompany the lectures as they are given a great opportunity to gain new knowledge about various relevant fields of research in the world of chemistry.