
Project PFAStwin is organizing a seminar called "HOW TO INCREASE PROJECT IMPACT - PAVING THE PATHWAYS TO IMPACT". Presentations will be held by prof. Dr. Biljana Basarin, full professor at the Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, coordinator of the H2020 Twinning project ExtremeClimTwin and Tanja Božić Head of Grant office at UBFC and PFAStwin project manager. The seminar will be held in the Library of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade at 5. October 2023.

The seminar is designed in two parts. The first part will be held by Tanja Božić, and it will refer to the Impact part of the Horizon Europe framework, what you need to answer and how to find the expected impact within a specific call. The second part will be held by prof. Dr. Biljana Basarin, who will share her experiences in Impact writing for H2020 and HEu projects that received funding.



11.00 - 11.15 - Opening of the seminar, prof. Dr. Vladimir Beškoski, coordinator of the PFAStwin project

11.15 - 12.00 - How to write a convincing section about the impact of the project, Tanja Božić

12.00 - 12.15 - Questions

12:15 - 1:30 p.m. - Success story about impact writing in funded projects, prof. Dr. Biljana Basarin

13.30 - 14.00 - Discussion

Researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry, the Innovation Center of HF, as well as the Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy are welcome. We invite you to apply for participation by sending a confirmation letter to: