3rd PFAStwin Summer School for bioremediation of polluted sites

Announcement of the Call for expression of interest to attend the 3rd PFAStwin Summer School

It is a pleasure for the PFAStwin team from the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) to announce and host the 3rd PFAStwin Summer School for bioremediation of polluted sites that will be held at BRGM (Orlean, France) from 1-5 July 2024.


Main topics of the school are:

  • Biodegradation of POPs in soils (PCBs, PAHs, pesticides);
  • Bio-augmentation and inoculated supports;
  • Treatment of polluted water (mine and industrial water);
  • Phytostabilization of mine wastes;
  • Complementarity of chemical / electrochemical / biological remediation approaches.


The final Program of the School, consisting of 5 days of theoretical and practical sessions, will be published on the project website.

The lectures will be delivered by researchers from the BRGM and invited lecturers. Leading expert is Dr. Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet. The laboratory support will be given by the BRMG researchers. The official language will be English.

3nd PFAStwin Summer School is open to any PhD student or employees of University of Belgrade-Faculty of Chemistry (UBFC) or the partner institutions of PFAStwin project (Spanish National Research Council, Institute of General Organic Chemistry and Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières) onsite. Early-stage researchers are specially encouraged to apply. Because of restrictions in the available space, we can accommodate only a limited number of trainees. Therefore, only complete applications (including the application form and CVs with demonstrated interest in the field related to the 3rd Summer School) will be considered for evaluation. Registration for the Summer School is free, and expenses of travel and accommodation will be covered for best evaluated applicants. The Summer school will be held in person, and access to the lectures will also be available online. Therefore, we encourage all researchers working in the field related to PFAStwin project to apply for online participation. Project management team (PMT) will be in charge of the selection process both onsite and online presence.

Those interested to participate in 3rd PFAStwin Summer School are kindly invited to send the applications following the Call conditions to pfastwin@chem.bg.ac.rs.

Looking forward to receiving your expression of interest to participate in the 3rd Summer School within our project,


The PFAStwin Team