Spanish National Research Council, Institute of General Organic Chemistry (IQOG-CSIC)

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), founded in 1939, is Spain’s largest public research institution that ranks third among Europe’s largest research organizations. Belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, it plays a key role in scientific and technological policy in Spain and worldwide. Among the 120 institutes, the Institute of General Organic Chemistry (IQOG) carries out competitive research on different topics in the area of chemistry, which is the central discipline around which its lines of research are developed, very often at the interface with other fields such as biology, medicine, environment, and materials, among others. The IQOG is formed of three main departments where Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry (AIQA) is one of them. The determination of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic organic pollutants and the study of their fate and behavior in the environment and humans is one of the research lines of AIQA.